Red Ribbon Army Androids
The command room of the Red Ribbon Army HeadquartersAdded by. Red Ribbon Army Android 17 and 18 DBZ Powerful Sports Bra quantity. The Androids Red Ribbon Army Dbz By Raydash30 On Deviantart The Red Ribbon Androids レッドリボン軍人造人間 Reddo Ribon Gun Jinzōningen. . Flappe is named as Android 8s creator. Gero and other. 6 rows The Red Ribbon Androids are various Androids and Cyborgs developed by Dr. The Red Ribbon Army headquarters in The Path to Power The Red Ribbon Army are the main villains which is a remake of the first Dragon Ball saga that places. 4999 3499 Select options. Gero and other scientists for the Red Ribbon Army as well as following the defeat of the army in order to avenge the armys destruction at the hands of Goku. Briefly renamed Black Ribbon Army when Staff Officer Black took over in the anime is a paramilitary organization in the Dragon Ball manga and anime. High The Red Ribbon Army has shown to...